donderdag 19 april 2007

stranger than fiction

Nice movie to download!

I watched it yesterday with a nice guy a met a while ago, the humor is typical English.
Click on the title (above) to go to the trailer to watch the movie.

Wajang dolls

Today we finished a part of the international project. With one class i made Wajang dolls, they picked out the land : INDONESIA, again i am so proud of the results!

woensdag 18 april 2007

mozaiek workshop

Yesterday i invited debby to my school, cause she's an expert in mozaiek, and we were finishing the mozaiek tiles. She helped the kids with the finishing touch. These are the results.

I am so proud of the work!

maandag 16 april 2007

packing my stuff

Best dear friends, i am packing bits and pieces of my house. Actually, i am trying to pack the bookshelve, but getting stuck at every book that goes through my hands.
Luckely i still have some 75 days before i leave, and already 6 shelves done!

And i found somebody to take care of Douwe! Wonderfull family, 2 kids, and very calm and relaxing persons, so this is good for my cat! Luckely they don't want her right away, so i have some time of saying goodbye to her and getting used to it.

But tell you soon more, my collegues are passing by (not a good time to do this..working and blogging ahum...)

donderdag 12 april 2007

me and paula in my home

Paula is a girl I met about 8 months ago, she's from Argentina and a traveller like me. Right now she's in Holland, but planning to travell through to Spain or Italy, she's not so sure yet. She tought me a bit spanish (and yes , i did not study the last few months: no estudio muy bien, ai ai ai)

We have lots of fun together (oeff and yes, like all the south american girls i met she talks a lot!!!!!) but she's lovely and charming !

woensdag 4 april 2007

working with some kids in a class

This is not my classroom, in this class i am working on the musical project (last year) with 3 kids classified as big behaviour problems.
Because they can't work in a normal setting/ normal class, they are assigned with me to do special tasks. In this case, we are making drawings for an animation. Later in the process we will work on the computer to make a digital animation.

maandag 2 april 2007

ticket to guatemala

yes yes yes

i bought last Monday my ticket to Guatemala! i am leaving on the 30th of June!!

yahoo, i paid for it, and going for it! jahoo

I'll soon put new news on the blog, but my laptop crashed so i am not able to publish anything right now, have to wait till it's fixed!

love you! chau